Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let's try starboard

Second day of chemo. Second day of nurses trying to get the newly installed port to work. It didn't. At least I had some Emla cream to apply this time - didn't feel the needle insertions until number three. Could only attempt the fourth and final attempt after an application of an ice bag over the port. In the end, we opted for one of the few remaining veins in the arm. Again. Dr. Wadge has notified VGH's cath lab. I should be heading back there in the next couple of days so they can determine what is going on - is the port turning? has it flipped completely around? Have my chest veins also packed it in? At least there will be alternatives should it be decided that I am simply not port material. Suspect they'll try a PICC line (peripherally inserted central catheter) next. If that fails, there is always the oral meds that are the back-up should the current two drugs prove ineffective. Good news: I had the foresight to pack my own lunch today - edamame salad, grapes, sesame wafers, and water. Such looked, and no doubt tasted, better than what the guy across from me was served. Interestingly, of the four of us in the room, he was the only one who accepted the lunch tray. And then he only ate the soup, dessert, and milk. Wonder what was the entree. Who cares, really? I'm back off to bed. Headache and general blah feeling. Makes me wonder all the more what the little people holding hands around my little pincushions (the silk made-in-China one and the "blanket toss" one I picked up in Alaska) have to smile about. Perhaps they are smiling because they aren't the ones being poked! Is that how Pokey got his name, or was Gumby saying he was just slow? Know it had nothing to do with the intelligence of the little red horse as he was the brighter of the two, or at least his head held more plasticine. What drivel! To bed! 


  1. HI Janet. I don't know if you remember much of me, but we were in school together for many years. Darcy pointed me to your blog, and I wanted to follow your posts. You sound very couragous, and strong. Take care,, Dee PS, maiden name Diels

  2. Or, maybe they are not smiling at all. I remember reading an article, in which the auther says that Mandarin speaking people tend to develop similar facial feature because the language uses certain muscles in face. The illustration in the article was showing a face very similar to the pincushion figures. ... just my observation!

  3. Dee, I do indeed remember you. You lived across the street from Shiloh church, very near to Darcy's house. Sorry I haven't responded to anything on Facebook - I found that site too tedious. Love to hear from folks, but don't want to play games, send pokes, or any of that stuff as I spend most of my working life on the computer. Nice to know you are doing well. I'm sorry to hear your husband recently lost a parent. Don't ya just hate getting older!? Do drop a line from time to time. I promise to answer as my energy level allows.

  4. Yoriko, stranger things are possible I suppose. I would, however, like to think the pincushion people are having a good time in any case. Sorry I can't make dinner tonight. Please say "hello" to everyone for me. I hope to be in better shape next time everyone gathers.

  5. Hi Janet, We missed you last night - but remembered to toast for you! Hope you have time to drop by at the studio next Thursday.
