Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Under the Microscope

T'will be a different sort of day re the ol' chemo program. I "donated" my blood as usual yesterday, but the lab forgot to check my white cell count so I have to provide another sample before getting chemo. Oh joy, more needles! I don't blame the lab staff. The hospital has implemented a new patient/chart tracking system and everyone is having to cope with a rather steep learning curve. On top of that, the other patients waiting for attention from the lab staff yesterday were generally in very surly moods - there was even one hospital board member who thought she could jump the cue because she didn't have breakfast before visiting the lab! Another poor dear felt she would be given speedier service because she was trying to catch the ferry. Kick me if I ever feel such a sense of entitlement. Of course, I have cause to be so smug and self-righteous. I wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere, and I had brought along my knitting. Today's lesson: never go anywhere without something to read or knit/crochet or spin (if you happen to prefer a wee drop spindle). But enough of the holier than thou attitude.  The vampires await. Sign me, Pokey.

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