Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hair today ...

Over the last couple of days I've noticed a number of little hairs clinging to everything from the bathroom sink to my cellphone. While polishing my smile at bedtime last night, I discovered the source: my hair is starting to fall out.

This is no great surprise as it is a very common side effect of radiation treatment, especially when targeted at the head. The loss is nowhere near as dramatic as the first time (during initial chemo/rad treatment five years ago). At that time, each hair on my head was about three to four inches in length. This time 'round, they are all about 1/2 inch as I had a very close buzz cut prior to recent surgery.

The cool thing about have such short hair just now is that I can easily manipulate the hairs so encourage some patterns to take shape as the hair falls out. By gentling rubbing on a given spot, I can create a bald patch within seconds. Current plan is to create a series of star-shaped bald bits, in celebration of the Christmas season. Must say at least one of my attempts more closely resembles a squished bug, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of some type of technique before all the stubble ends up in the garbage bin. Will post photo once there is something to see!

Have asked some of my more creative friends to apply henna designs to my scalp once all the hair is out. Feel this pre-henna stage is a good time to allow my own creative juices to get in on the act.

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