Sunday, December 30, 2012

Eve of New Year's Eve

One of the great joys of this time of year (when worn out from eating and visiting) for me at least, is hunkering down on the sofa with a warm blanket and a steaming cup of cocoa to watch any number of classic movies.

Yes, there is the Sound of Music on Christmas Eve, but I'm talking REAL classics. Think A Christmas Carol (b/w version starring Alastair Sim), Miracle on 34th Street (1947 movie starring a very young Natalie Wood), It's A Wonderful Life ... You get the picture.

Over the years, many films have become an integral part of my holiday celebrations. For my late father and me, Christmas morning wouldn't be the same without at least one viewing of the above-noted version of A Christmas Carol - we'd compete to see who would be first to say the lines or spy the stagehand in the mirror. (Many thanks, Dave G, for taking up the slack in terms of the lines.) More recently, Cathy and I have enjoyed a seasonal movie screening over cocoa - at least until the last two years when health issues put a kibosh in the plans.

In the spirit of giving which is so much a part of the season, my New Year's Eve offering takes up where Dad, DG, Cathy, and I left off. Here's my video selection to help usher in all the promise 2013 holds. No, the song isn't as beautiful as last year's pick (hands down my favourite rendition of Auld Lang Syne) but it does contain both the classic film tradition and the wish that the new year start off on a happy note - and stay that way (last bit is my wish).

For some reason YouTube won't let me upload the video I wanted to include here. It's an actual clip from the movie Holiday Inn where Bing Crosby sings the song to Marjorie Reynolds (while serving up turkey dinners in the inn's kitchen). There are clips from that movie in this video, too, as well as some from After the Thin Man and others. Hope you enjoy!

And happy new year to all!

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