Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Birthday

Okay, I know it's not really my first birthday. A quick glance at the ol' birth certificate confirms that I've actually entered my 55th year (having just had my 54th b-day). However, given that my oncologist's prognosis of two years ago cautioned that I would likely not live to mark this humble occasion, I've decided a change of record-keeping is in order. Hence forth, March 11 2012 will be (at least in my little mind) my first birthday.

Here's a photo of me in on March 11 1959 showing one candle on the cake. The image is taken from a slide produced by the esteemed Mortifee Munshaw photo finishing company. For some reason I can't seem to enlarge it very well, but you get the idea. Have to admit I was one cute kid. Check out the curls!

Hmmm. Some technical difficulties re scanning slides. If ya squint at the photo it might look better? Will try to overcome problem and repost at a later date. Have already spent way too much time trying to sort it out just now.

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