Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scanned by a cat

Yesterday I had the much-anticipated CT scan. A somewhat uneventful event although I did feel a tad odd just before getting onto the scanning table - not faint, not ill, but not quite "normal". I told someone that it felt like I imagine I would as an out-of-body experience was getting underway. Not that I've ever had an out-of-body experience. Did feel like I was both in and out of my body at the same time. I blame rogue ions that might have been floating about the room (my conspiracy theory). That or the fact that I hadn't eaten for the better part of 12 hours and was wallowing in the wake of several glasses of water. I swear you could hear the sea sloshing around in my tummy! The water was to aid the flow of iodine which was injected just before the scan. This provided the necessary "contrast" for the x-ray. The injection caused a slight warming feeling to flow through my body. The tech warned me that some patients are certain they've urinated all over the machine but assured me it would only be the effect of the injection. I felt no such sensation, likely because I had the foresight to visit the powder room prior to showing up for the exam. The exam itself was pleasant enough, especially once the warming effect set in. A comforting mechanical voice instructed me how and when to breath: "Breath in. Hold your breath. Breath." I also noted that the exterior of the machine had friendly little images of a cartoon-like face that mimed the mechanical voice's instructions. When I was able to breath, an picture that looked like a cross between Pac-Man and Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes fame) would light up. When I was to hold my breath, a picture of the same face but with closed mouth and puffy cheeks lit up. All in all, a very quick and not unpleasant procedure. My doctor should receive the results by week's end. I'll post the outcome once I hear how things went.

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