Saturday, March 31, 2012

Health Happenings

Ended up having a second week off chemo (this past week = #2). All the schedule changes resulting from the latest spate of cocktail adjustments, "breaks" from chemo to allow immune system to recover, etc. were making things more than a tad confusing. So, the very wise Dr Wadge opted to pretend the last cycle went as planned and I'll be starting the next on Tues. My day planner is much relieved as some of the pages were becoming a tad thin due to the constant writing and erasing of appointment dates.

Neutraphils have returned to a more acceptable level (was .7 two weeks ago, back to 3.2 this past week). Other counts are also rebounding. CT scan results are finally in and show little or no spread in lungs and other organs. So very good news overall me thinks.

Decided to make the most of the extra week off and took the opportunity to spend a couple of days in Vancouver. Hung out with at the studio with Penny one day, caught up with Donna during a stay at the Chez, and had my first face-to-face with Yoriko since our trip to Japan. Only downside was the realization that I had contracted another eye infection - this time in the left eye. (Am beginning to suspect that I might be allergic to Yoriko since she appears to be a common denominator for both my recent eye infections. Hmmm.) Stopped by the local hospital en route home (my doctor's office had just closed for the day) and was given some eye drops. That was Thursday. It is now Saturday and I'm finally starting to see some improvement. Must less oozing and aching along the left edge of the eye socket. Still not up for seeing too many folks, however, as a friend told me her son's entire family has come down with eye infections. If this is the same strain, I don't want to risk spreading it, so am laying low for a couple of days.

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