Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Two steps back

Am not sure these latest drugs are my friends. Felt well enough Monday to attend the monthly guild meeting, but had to hit the sheets by 5pm to recover. And then yesterday morning, while I was discussing Mom's care with Verline, I was suddenly so lightheaded I thought I would pass out. A few more hours of sleep and that, too, passed. I remain somewhat shaky. Am trying to eat sensibly, but have little appetite. Suspect this is contributing to the lightheaded feeling, but any attempt to eat more or more substantial meals results in nausea. Note to self: when will I learn to be careful what I wish for? Have managed to lose 15 lbs since Christmas, but don't recommend my methodology.

Plan to discuss all these matters with Sarah Wadge when I report to St Mary's next week for chemo. Unless I can be told, soon, a compelling reason to stay on these drugs, I am inclined to stop treatment as the cure does seem to be doing my quality of life little good. Of course, that view might change tomorrow. 

Notice that all the listed common side effects for Gemcitabine pretty much describe what has been ailing me these past weeks - flu-like symptoms incl chills, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea ...   Sigh.

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