Thursday, February 16, 2012


Dr Wadge has given me a week "off" before I start the next chemo cycle. She believes all of the problems I've had over the last few weeks were chemo-related and not caused by a flu or other virus. Suspects that I was still feeling the effects of what ailed me in Japan when I started cycle 1 of the chemo, and that might have made any side effects worse than they might normally be. So she is eager to see what happens if I have a second week without drugs before starting cycle 2. If I have a similar experience to the last couple of weeks, she will reduce the dosage to see if that helps. If it doesn't, alternative treatment will be considered. I'm very comfortable with this approach, especially as it buys me a few more days of feeling okay. I still tire quite easily, but at least the lightheadedness has gone. Fingers crossed life continues to be so good after I start cycle 2 on Tuesday.

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