Friday, February 18, 2011

Random Thoughts

Back on drugs once more. The randomization put me into Group 2, so I won't be getting the investigative drug TDM-1. Instead, I'll be downing the Capecitabine and Lapatinib pills. And what a lot of pills they are. I take four Capecitabine pills twice each day with food. The five-pill Lapatinib dose is only once per day and is taken on an empty stomach. Timing, it seems, is everything. I'm to keep a log of how many pills I take and when. That isn't enough information for my liking, so I've also started a dose/diet/side effect log of my own to help me determine whether certain foods are causing me more discomfort than others, or timing of meals is an issue. What I have been able to ascertain thus far is that my experience doesn't fall within the realm of anything close to normal. For example, I was warned repeatedly by the study team and my oncologist that I could expect weight loss due to extreme diarrhea. I was instructed to purchase lots of Imodium to help see me through, at least in the short run. I also opted to pick up a package of fancy pants-type Depends in case the exploding bowel issue comes without ample warning. Alas, all the prep was for not. Okay, so I have a couple of extra BMs, and maybe they are slightly softer than usual, but they are nothing worth breaking open the Imodium over. Not that I'm complaining. At 52 (almost 53) years, I've come to accept the fact that I am somewhat atypical. So, for the time being, I'm loving the C&L treatment. Oh, and the hand-foot syndrome hasn't really kicked in either. Only have very slight tingling in my hands and nothing in my feet. Skin in those areas continues to appear and feel normal. Only have a slight, fleeting headache especially when tired, and a slight lower back ache. Again, nothing to write home about.

Turns out I'm somewhat atypical in terms of the progression of my cancer as well. Given that I have been without treatment of any type since October, one could be forgiven for thinking that things must have moved along to some degree. Yes, it is true I have more lesions on my lungs (as confirmed by the latest CT scan), but they are fewer and smaller than anyone would have thought probable. The largest, I'm told, is about 12mm. True, a couple of the sites have joined forces to become something bigger than the sum of their individual parts, but they, too, remain on the small side. Which does much to explain why I continue to feel well with good energy, and little shortness of breath or other discomfort.

The recent bone scan was the only test that did cause some temporary concern. Seems a potential spot was picked up on my skull. I was reassured this in no way indicated that there was anything wrong with my brain (dang, I was hoping for an excuse to explain my occasional odd behaviour) as the skull and brain aren't directly linked. Turns out it was that sebaceous cyst that was so very obvious when I lost my hair a couple of years back. Arthritis sites were also picked up and easily explained. Only other thing mentioned was a couple of very small spots near the base of my spine, but those, too, are thought to be arthritis - of the age-related variety no less.

Heart scan was fine. Nothing to report re that.

So there you have it. Nothing much to report other than I feel pretty much as I did this time last week. Other than a touch more fatigue, much of which I suspect is residue from the stress of wondering about test results, the randomization, and potential side effects of the drugs I would be taking for the foreseeable future.

Oh, that's the other thing. Should I continue to tolerate these drugs with minimal side effects, and if they prove to be of benefit, I will be on them indefinitely. Or until the drug companies decide they no longer wish to pay for my medication. Yup, life could be a lot worse.

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