Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Miss Spelt

Received the info re the drug trial. Turns out I spelt the name of one drug incorrectly. It's really Foretinib. Here's what the background sheet tells me:

Foretinib is a new type of drug that slows or stops the growth of new blood vessels in animal studies and it also directly affects cancer cell growth by blocking the action of a specific protein called c-Met. These effects may prevent or slow the growth of your cancer. Foretinib has been tested in some subjects with different types of cancers and some have benefited from this treatment, but it has not yet been studied in breast cancer. The doese and side effects of Foretinib when used alone are known. Foretinib is an investigational drug that has not yet been approved by Health Canada, although it ahs been approved for use in this clinical trial.

Lapatinib is a drug that works by "turning off" the HER2 receptor, a protein which causes breast cancers to grow and spread. Lapatinib has been studied in clinical trials before, and has been approved by Health Canada for use in HER2 positive breast cancer. Its use together with Foretinib is investigational, although it has been approved for use in this clinical trial.

It is not clear whether taking drugs such as Foretinib with Lapatinib will be better than taking Lapatinib alone. This clinical trial is the first time Foretinib and Lapatinib will be given together. Lapatinib given alone in your situation in clincial trials would suggest the chance of controlling the growth of your cancer of approximately 12%. Currently Lapatinib is not approved by Health Canada to be given alone in this scenario.

Hope this helps answer some of the questions folks are asking me.

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