Friday, March 19, 2010

Keeping in Touch

Much as I appreciate Roz's efforts re the Jan-o-blog, issues re Hotmail and the ever-growing list of recipients meant several people didn't get all the messages while others got the same note two or three times. I've started this blog in an effort to eliminate some of those problems. Do let me know if it is an improvement, or if you have suggestions re how to make it better. I have tried to make this a "private" blog, i.e. one that isn't easily accessed by the general public as I suspect only my nearest and dearest will thrill to hearing all the sordid details of my oh so humble life. I've thought it best to only include key contacts as I suspect many of you will be discussing my goings on with others - it really is all about me, after all. While I don't wish to burden anyone with the chore of relaying too much information, this is the easiest way for me to keep the most people "in the loop". Oh yes, since some of you didn't get all the messages posted on the Jan-o-blog, I'll repeat my entries from that source here before adding new posts. If nothing else, this blog is sure to serve as excellent bedtime reading. In fact, the blog carries a guarantee to cure insomnia - or at least produce an unavoidable stupefying effect - or double your yogurt back. 

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