Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bye, bye, Pam - Roseanne Roseannadanna was right

The amazing Dr Wadge has agreed with me. Pamidronate is never going to be my friend. Thus, she has cancelled that treatment. Too bad as I will, once again, miss seeing the shiny faces of the team in St Mary's ACU. There is a possible alternative treatment, Clodronate, but it's use will have to be approved by my oncologist before that starts.

While this outcome of my visit with Dr Wadge did not come as a surprise, what happened next took both of us aback somewhat. After checking out my thumb, Dr Wadge asked to see the knee that was giving me so much grief. Seems skeletal pain is a noted side effect of Pamidronate, but one that she has never seen in any patients prior to me (ah, good to know that my "unusual" status has in no way diminished with all these treatments). But imagine her surprise when, upon raising my pant leg to view the knee she was greeted by a very red and inflamed shin to boot! More amazing still is the fact that I had no sensation whatsoever that the shin was not as it should be. A few large, red patches also appeared on my left shin, but the area in question on the right was much more pronounced, much hotter to the touch, and very sensitive when it was touched. The diagnosis was Cellulitis, not to be confused with cellulite which my thighs and butt have boasted a plenty for many a year. But I digress. Dr Wadge was especially puzzled by the fact that I was totally unaware of the Cellulitis, and that it only hurt when she touched the sensitive area. A course of antibiotics was prescribed (Clindamycin as I'm deathly allergic to Penicillin). Tomorrow I'm to have bloodwork done at St Mary's lab, and then I'm to meet with Dr Wadge at the ACU (she is conducting stress tests there tomorrow) to see if there is any improvement after a couple of doses of the Clindamycin. So looks like Friday is going to be another fun-filled day. Oh joy!

Roseanne Roseannadanna was right: It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another.

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