Saturday, May 26, 2012

What ails me

Results back from the latest CT scan. And excellent news it is. The cancer continues to be contained, i.e. the scan showed no noticeable spread. Also, no sign of pneumonia. (Insert happy hand clap here - I have tried to heave a huge sigh of relief, but end up coughing each time an attempt is made.)

So it seems I have little more than a very bad spring cold. Slept almost as much over the past three days as I normally do after a stiff chemo cocktail. While I'm feeling much better today, the coughing continues along with the occasional sneeze. As a result, group gatherings continue to be avoided. My immune system remains very much compromised so it's easy to pick up anything and everything that is going about, and I don't want to spread what ails me to anyone else. When awake, I putter in the garden and help Phil as much as I can. By mid afternoon, I'm pooped and settle down for a 3-4 hour nap. Yes, excitement-filled days these are. On the other hand, I can't help but think that napping has helped me recover faster than if I simply soldiered on. As Momzy says, it's best to do what your body tells you.

Speaking of things viral, the Internet offered up the following advice re what ails me at present:

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