Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Joy in Giving

Just before Easter I had the great pleasure of attending an event at Capilano University. It was an opportunity for scholarship/award winners and their donors to get together. You may remember a mention in an earlier post on this blog in which I described two awards that will be presented from proceeds coming from my life insurance policy. Well, I wasn't willing to wait until after I embark on the journey called my after-life-time. I put up a small sum (equal to less than $50/mon for one year) so I could have the joy of knowing that someone out there is benefiting from the gift during my lifetime. As luck would have it, the textile arts award I set up at Cap was presented to Rebecca Fisher (aka Rebecca Lavall), the woman who taught me to felt some 10 years ago! Rebecca and I have crossed paths many times over the past decade. We received our cancer diagnosis within two weeks of each other - mercifully, 'Becca is okay now. So it was quite the reunion that afternoon at Cap. We talked the better part of three hours, and still have loads to catch up on.

Here's a shot of Rebecca and me with Mary Lou Trinkwon, co-ordinator of the textile arts diploma program.

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