I remember telling someone the other day that I feel better now than I have in the past three years. Dr Wadge, the amazing internist who is overseeing my chemo treatments, seems to concur in that neither of us can feel any of my lymph nodes nor my spleen (which a month ago was much enlarged). While I will have to wait for the results of the CT scan I will have done this coming Monday, it might well be said that I have turned a very big corner re my health. The chemo appears to be working. More than that, all the positive energy and heartfelt prayers said on my behalf are being answered. Words can not express my gratitude. There is so much more I want to do in this life, so I'm grateful for whatever extra time I am given.
As luck would have it, plans are currently afoot for me to join friends on a quick trip to New York in August. The hope is that all four of us will be able to go as we are so scattered geographically at present (me on the Sunshine Coast, Yuri in Toronto, Donna and Karen in Vancouver when not visiting family elsewhere). So imagine my surprise when I glanced at Georgia Nicols' prediction for this week:
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
This is without question, a time of surprises and sudden opportunities for you! One of the things going on right now is your unusually strong drive for personal freedom. ("I gotta be me!") You want to be young and free! Unexpected opportunities to travel, or explore opportunities in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine, and the law might drop in your lap. You also have a strong sense of justice right now, and are willing to work to right a wrong. Something is going to happen to totally broaden your scope of existence, or point of view about life, or your relationship with the social radius of people around you on a regular basis. Your life is going to get a surge of exciting growth! The result will be a greater sophistication and understanding of your world. (My, my.)*****
About the justice part: I just wrong a letter to the New Brunswick health department re that nasty dining experience at the Evandale Resort.
Yes, I am a follower of the Christian faith. I find much comfort in the words, music and rituals of the familiar. That said, I do read my horror-scope from time to time and have two tarot decks at home. No, I don't think I'm dabbling in the occult. Rather, I look to more than one source for interpretations of the world around me. Just as I like to sample a wide range of music or foods, it seems to me that different faith perspectives all have something to offer. I pick and choose what has meaning for me, although admittedly I continue to view the world through Christian-based glasses. I doubt anyone has all the answers. As long as love is the core - love of self, others, Mother Earth, and the source of it all whatever name you wish to give it - there is likely something of value to be gained from other traditions. Certainly don't believe one faith path is more genuine, truer than the rest. I just know what works for me. And much of that is something words will always fail to express. Despite all of this, I do not believe in anything akin to fortune telling. Rather, horoscopes and tarots are a way to see current circumstances for a different point of view. Sometimes the "reading" is just plain funny. In any case, it is generally forgotten in short order or stored in the back of my head for future reference. What I enjoy most about Georgia Nichol is her sense of humour, her tendency toward the more ancient reading of star patterns rather than modern "fortune telling", and her shoe fetish. I usually get the biggest "ba-bing" from reading something after the fact as is the case with the bit posted above. For the record, Mary has long been my muse, even though I am not Catholic. The feminine divine has always been more accessible to me than its male counterpart.
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